The Shadow of 64

So I'm writing this to make sure others learn from my mistakes... So they know when to stop when it comes to that point. When you just need to stop and just back out of what you're doing cause it's not going to end well.

So my name is not important; what is important is that I love Legend of Zelda games so much. I played the ROMs on my computer everyday and they were fun, but I just wished I had an actual Nintendo 64 so I could really experience the feel of it, just like when I was a kid. My neighbor is "strange" by the way, I didn't really know my neighbor except from what the other neighbors were saying, about how he was crazy and how he was an insomniac; how he always talked about seeing things, nothing I really cared about.
As I was saying, he knocked on my door one day and I answered, he was holding a box. He was looking around, like he was being surrounded or something, it was kind of creepy but he gave me the box, and said it was Nintendo 64. That sentence just made me the happiest person alive and it already came with a couple games. I thought "Cool! Free stuff" and took it without thinking twice. To make me even happier I opened the box and was greeted with Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. Along with Mario 64, which was also a good game, but my obsession of Legend of Zelda made me play Ocarina first.
I turned out all the lights in my house and got a big bowl of popcorn, ready to play it as if I was a kid again. I popped in the game and started playing. There were no saves on it, I found this a little strange but I started a new one anyway. I went with the traditional name, Link, and began my adventures in Hyrule. The beginning was normal, I laughed when Navi ran into the fence, I got the sword and shield to past Malo but talked to everyone first before going to see the Great Deku Tree. I went inside, giggling with childish humor. But that all stopped when the creepiest things started happening.
Link had got the slingshot and I was so happy when I saw a weird shadowy thing in a corner. I had never seen it before and sure didn't remember it in any of the games. I got curious of course and led Link in that direction, but Link wouldn't move. He just wouldn't go in that direction; I could move him away but he wouldn't go that way. I found it a little weird but ignored it with ease, just thinking it was a bug. I continued my way into the tree and broke the spider web and made it to the next part. Here I was about to get my own deku stick out to light the torch in front of me so I could burn the spider web but I got a text on my phone. It was from my best friend so I decided to pause this awesome game to answer it. I started to read the text when I was hearing the noises as if Link was moving, but I looked up and he was in the same spot. He hadn't moved.
I took this for another bug and continued to answer my friend. I heard a scream from Link and looked up to see that same shadowy thing grab Link from behind and drag him off screen. All I could here was Link screaming as I stared at the screen, listening and shocked out of my mind.
Link came back on screen, but just that freaking second the TV turned off. I could have sworn I saw young Link have blood on his legs. This game isn't suppose to have blood.
Okay, okay. I thought to myself as I turned the TV back on. Let's just see if it even saved and then we will try a different one cause this one is obviously buggy. I turned it on everything played normally and I went to play, my save was there after all; so I decided to try it. What I saw was more traumatizing then anything I could imagine
I saw Link; blood down his legs and crying on the ground in front of the Deku Tree. He had his clothes torn up andI didn't know what to do, so I just stared at him. I was frozen by shock. All I could think was what the hell did that shadow thing do!? I turned off the TV and turned on all the lights in my house back on. I decided I was going to give Majora's Mask a shot, instead.
I plugged that in and everything played normally as well, I went on the quests and got the Deku mask off and I was little Link again; normal little Link and everything was going smoothly until I went to visit the Happy Mask salesman again.
He wasn't the Happy Mask salesman though... It was that same damn shadow. I didn't want Link to suffer again so I got him the hell out of there.
I ran him into the hotel where I felt safer; surrounded by people. I had this weird feeling though, that I had to protect poor Link from what ever that thing was doing to him, I just didn't like it. I realized though that being surround by people wouldn't do anything, because soon the Shadow got Link from behind.
I had to listen to the screams of Link until the TV turned off by itself again and then I turned it back on and Link was crying and bloody again.
But the weird thing this time was that he liked mad and angry and he looked at the camera. He stared at me and a dialogue box on the bottom appeared. It said "This is your fault." I couldn't take it. I turned off the TV and gave up. I didn't sleep that night.
Based on what happened next... Don't let the shadow catch you.